
Selma City Schools Gearing up for New School Year

By George McDonald Aug 11, 2020 | 6:09 PM

From the West Alabama Newsroom–

Selma City Schools is set to reopen in less than two weeks. Teachers are already back on the job — while students report back later this month.

Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams says the district is preparing for a school year — like no other.

The first nine weeks of the school year will be virtual — due to COVID-19. And that means technology will be at the forefront of the education process.

Wal Selmaschools Mini“We will be one to one this year. We’ve gotten most of our devices in and have a few hundred more that are on their way. And we do anticipate being able to provide a device for families that need one,” said Williams.

Teachers are already back on the job getting professional development training. Williams says the training includes virtual teacher preparation — as well as cleaning and sanitation — safety guidelines.

“It certainly is a lot of new learning but we are embracing it,” she said.

“As educators we love to use the term life-long learner and this pandemic has made us dig deep and make sure that we are continuing to learn.”

In addition, to exploring new ways of learning that Williams says will benefit both teachers and students — moving forward.

“We talk about thinking outside the box. There is no box,” said Williams.

“So, it’s a great opportunity for us to look at education differently and approach in a way that definitely will prepare our scholars to be successful as they move beyond high school.”

The first day of classes for students — is Monday, August 24th.

Categories: Coronavirus, News, West Alabama